Feed the Future Innovation Lab Network

The Feed The Future Innovation Labs draw on the expertise of top U.S. universities and developing country research institutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges in agriculture and food security.

Led by U.S. universities, these Innovation Labs are central to advancing novel solutions that support our goals to reduce global hunger, poverty and undernutrition.

Innovation Lab For Animal Health

Lead University: Washington State University

This Innovation Lab is developing animal health interventions, such as improved vaccines and diagnostic tests, to improve the control of East Coast Fever, a lethal, tick-borne disease of cattle in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa

Research Focus: Kenya

Innovation Lab For Applied Wheat Genomics

Lead University: Kansas State University

This Innovation Lab is developing heat-tolerant, high yielding, farmer accepted wheat varieties through local characterization and breeding networks, using the most advanced genomic tools.

Research Focus: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan

Innovation Lab For Crop Improvement

Lead University: Cornell University 

This Innovation Lab serves as a support system for national, regional, and international agricultural research institutions in target regions to identify, develop, pilot, and transfer tools, technologies, and methods for crop improvement. Focus crops include roots, tubers, bananas, legumes, sorghum and millet. 

Research Focus: Burkina Faso, Costa Rica, Haiti, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda 

Innovation Lab For Current and Emerging Threats To Crops

Lead University: The Pennsylvania State University 

This Innovation Lab aims to lead country and regional efforts to diagnose, manage, prevent and forecast biotic threats (pests, diseases, weeds) to food crops to improve crop production, reduce farmer loss and risk, increase household income and incentivize on-farm investment while mitigating potential negative environmental and climate change consequences 

Research Focus: TBD 

Innovation Lab For Fish

Lead University: Mississippi State University 

This Innovation Lab is researching technologies and practices that lead to sustainable increases in fish production, reduction and mitigation of risks to fish production systems while increasing household nutrition and economic opportunities. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Food Processing And Post-Harvest Handling

Lead University: Purdue University 

This Innovation Lab is working to increase access to safe and nutritious foods along the value chain by improving the drying and storage capacity of smallholder farmers and expanding market opportunities through diversified processed products that address quality in the market and nutritional needs. 

Research Focus: Kenya, Senegal 

Innovation Lab For Food Safety

Lead University: Purdue University 

This Innovation Lab aims to design, lead, and implement a food safety research and capacity building program that addresses food safety opportunities and challenges, serving as a resource for development partners converging on the role of food safety in inclusive economic growth, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, gender-sensitive and youth-inclusive development, and resilience. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda 

Innovation Lab For Food Systems For Nutrition

Lead University: Tufts University 

This Innovation Lab aims to conduct nutrition-sensitive food systems research to guide partner country programming and policy to improve diets and nutrition; increase country capacity to generate and transfer knowledge, technologies and practices; and produce needed empirical evidence of food system interventions that protect healthy diets and nutrition in the face of shocks and stresses. 

Research Focus: TBD 

Innovation Lab For Genomics To Improve Poultry

Lead University: University of California, Davis 

This Innovation Lab is working to reduce limitations to chicken production by applying and developing advanced genetics and genomic approaches to enhance innate resistance to Newcastle disease and tolerance to heat stress in chickens in places where Newcastle disease and hot climates are prevalent. 

Research Focus: Ghana, Tanzania 

Innovation Lab For Horticulture

Lead University: University of California, Davis 

This Innovation Lab aims to design, lead and implement horticulture research and capacity building to address opportunities and challenges of production, post-harvest, enterprise development and commercialization while promoting resilient climate-smart systems, inclusive of women and youth. 

Research Focus: TBD 

Innovation Lab For Integrated Pest Management

Lead University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 

This Innovation Lab is supporting improved, environmentally sustainable yields for smallholder farmers through the implementation of participatory, integrated pest management (IPM) programs in horticultural, grain and legume crops using centers of excellence for dissemination of best IPM practices and scalable solutions. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania, Vietnam 

Innovation Lab For Legume Systems Research

Lead University: Michigan State University 

This Innovation Lab focuses on improving legume (cowpea, pigeon pea, common bean) systems to take advantage of (a) their nitrogen-fixing capacity which improves soil fertility, (b) being a good source of livestock feed and fodder, (c) their opportunities for generating income, and (d) their nutritious qualities for human health which all contribute to food security and poverty reduction. 

Research Focus: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Livestock Systems

Lead University: University of Florida 

This Innovation Lab is working to improve livestock systems by addressing key issues of livestock value chains, including quality feed supply, disease management, food safety, market access and enabling policies that drive sustainable increases in animal source food consumption to combat undernutrition and poverty. 

Research Focus: Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Uganda 

Innovation Lab For Markets, Risk, and Resilience

Lead University: University of California, Davis 

This Innovation Lab will study the root causes of persistent poverty and food insecurity, and how best to improve the resilience of individuals, households, communities, and systems, particularly in the face of recurrent crisis. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Peanut Research

Lead University: University of Georgia 

This Innovation Lab works to alleviate hunger by helping smallholder farmers grow and profit from healthy peanut crops which includes developing new varieties, pre-and post-harvest management and processing, and research areas focused on peanut-based nutrition, gender and youth. 

Research Focus: Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Policy, Research, Capacity, and Influence

Lead University: Michigan State University 

This Innovation Lab is building capacity of local agricultural policy research organizations to strengthen their capacity to carry out rigorous research on food security policy, contributing to a global research agenda, and to engage directly with their countries’ policy makers, to bring insights from the research into better policy-making that improves food security. 

Research Focus: Cambodia, Ghana, India, Laos, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Thailand, Timor L’este, Uganda, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For The Reduction Of Post-Harvest Loss

Lead University: Kansas State University 

This Innovation Lab works to reduce post-harvest loss of stored product crops (grains, oilseeds, legumes, root crops, nuts, spices, seeds) and related processed products by enabling smallholder farmers, cooperatives, agribusinesses, NGOs and other partners to improve moisture measurement, drying/storage techniques, insect and mycotoxin prevention, and market-based value chain access. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nepal 

Innovation Lab For Small Scale Irrigation

Lead University: University of Georgia 

This Innovation Lab works to alleviate hunger by helping smallholder farmers grow and profit from healthy peanut crops which includes developing new varieties, pre-and post-harvest management and processing, and research areas focused on peanut-based nutrition, gender and youth. 

Research Focus: Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Sorghum And Millet

Lead University: Kansas State University 

This Innovation Lab is advancing biophysical and social sciences that contribute technologies and knowledge toward the enhancement of adaptation, resilience and profitability of sorghum- and millet-based production systems and value chains. 

Research Focus: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Haiti, Mali, Niger, Senegal 

Innovation Lab For Soybean Value Chain Research

Lead University: University of Illinois 

This Innovation Lab focuses on African farmers and companies for whom soybean can serve as an economic driver that reduces poverty and hunger. The team is composed of technical soybean experts that provide evidence-based innovations, tools, and technologies across the value chain to enable sustainable livelihoods through profitable soybean production and utilization. 

Research Focus: Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia 

Innovation Lab For Sustainable Intensification

Lead University: Kansas State University 

This Innovation Lab focuses on integrated farming systems research and technologies to sustainably increase agricultural productivity and income that provide food security and contribute to improved nutritional outcomes of smallholder farmers. 

Research Focus: Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Malawi, Senegal, Tanzania