Food Systems For Nutrition Innovation Lab

Our Work

The FSN-IL supports USAID Global Food Security Strategy’s objective of securing a “well-nourished population, especially among women and children” by generating new evidence and translating existing evidence to harness novel technologies and innovations to:


Reduce food loss and waste


Improve access to nutrient-rich foods


Enhance food safety

FSN-IL’s Strategic Plan

The figure below summarizes the interlocking nature of our principal activities and feedback loops, their cumulative effects, and the overall process by which the generation of novel results supports scaling of nutrition-sensitive food system (FS) solutions. 

To achieve our objectives, the FSN-IL:

  1. Facilitates Research for Development (R4D) and human and institutional capacity development (HICD) activities to support the uptake of best practices and innovative nutrition-sensitive food system technologies. 
  2. Engages with diverse categories of stakeholders at multiple levels to disseminate and transfer these findings.  
  3. Delivers competed and commissioned awards to identify, test, transfer, and upscale potential solutions.
  4. Delivers innovation challenges and prizes for crowd-sourced innovations.
  5. Promotes innovation while ensuring rigor along the length of the discovery-to-impact process relating to novel technologies, products, and practices.

The management entity also implements an impactful set of workstreams with consortium partners that fully engages the wider academic, business, and policy communities at global and regional levels, while ensuring close engagement with the priorities and interests of target geographies.

Building On A Decade Of Feed The Future Nutrition Innovation Lab Work