Malawi, like many low-and-middle income countries, faces significant challenges in ensuring access to safe, nutrient-rich perishable foods across its diverse food systems. As the country aims to overcome challenges related to food security, nutrition, and sustainability, it becomes crucial to explore scalable innovations across the food systems that can address these challenges effectively and sustainably.
The “Scaling Nutrient-Rich Perishables: Workshop on Assessing Scalability of Innovations Across Malawi’s Food Systems” aims to bring together cross-sectoral stakeholders to evaluate innovation readiness for scaling and to develop socio-technical bundles of innovations, solutions, and actions to accelerate Malawi’s agri-food system transformation.
The goal of the workshop is to offer participants a novel approach and tool to quantitatively manage a portfolio of innovations, assess the scalability of innovations within the context of Malawi, and identify and analyze innovative solutions that have potential for scalable impact in improving national and regional food system. Additionally, the workshop aims to foster collaboration and partnership among key value chain actors from the government agencies, private sectors, non-government organizations, local communities, research and academia, and develop strategies to bundle innovations for cost-effective, sustained, scaling of innovation and its impact on sustainable, healthy diets and nutrition.
Participants from government, non-government, private sector, development organizations, academia and research, and civil society groups will collectively learn the concepts and approach of scaling and bundling of innovations, utilizing an interactive online tool, developed by the Food Systems for Nutrition Innovation Lab at Tufts University. Participants will learn to:
Across the food system, FSN-IL will focus on innovations (technologies, behaviors, practices) that will ensure the three interlinked priority areas:
Key Thematic Areas of Malawi’s Food Systems include:
The workshop is useful for organizations or individuals with an interest in: